Brain Dump: Stress During Social Isolation


Doing my very best to stay positive, but also want to acknowledge some of my fears. This is a time of uncertainty and I can’t pretend that everything is sunshine and lollipops. These feelings are valid even if I don’t want them to be my focus.

What if this lasts more than a few months? What does life look like in a month? 3 months, 6 months?
What impact will this have on my fitness and mental health?
Will all secondary health services be paused indefinitely? When will I be able to see my physio, osteo, masso, etc? These services I rely on?
For the love of god, when will I be able to run again?
What will my face look like when my lash extensions grow out? (Guys, this is real!!)
When will we be able to travel again? Visit family? Escape reality?
What if I can’t improve my productivity while working from home? What does this pandemic mean for my company?
How much is my hydro bill going to be next month?
What if someone I love falls ill? Not just with COVID-19, but anything else? Can they get the care they need?
What if all our favourite local businesses collapse? In an already struggling economy.
What strain will this isolation have on my relationship with my husband?
What if we actually run out of toilet paper?
What does normal look like?

We can just take it day by day. I encourage you to stay positive, but to also acknowledge all the things you are feeling. Nothing is invalid, even if you feel like it’s small amidst these global problems.


Ankle Sprain Recovery


Recipe: Vegan Banana Oatmeal Muffins