Let’s Talk About Self-Talk

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Me strutting away from my negative self-talk.

I have become more and more aware of the dialogue happening in my head and the impact that it has every day. Some days it tells me I’m strong and that I have something important to contribute. Other days it tells me I’m not good enough and that opportunities I have been given were a mistake. The latter has a toxic effect and can lead me into a downward spiral of self-doubt.

I have realized, however, that with increased awareness of my subconscious I am able to influence the way I perceive each situation. I catch these critical thoughts and I challenge them – Is what I’m thinking reality? Am I exaggerating? Is there an alternative truth I should consider?

When a negative thought pops into my head, I have realized that I have two options: acknowledge it then throw it away, or continue the harmful dialogue. By taking control, I can stop myself from heading down a dark path and influence my subconscious for the better.


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