What I eat during marathon training

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I’ve been asked if I’ve lost weight while marathon training. It’s a fair question, given that on any given day I burn 1000-2000 extra calories from running. I answer with a small laugh “no, I eat a lot.” 🙃

On long run days, my post-run meal is a massive smoothie bowl filled with fruit, greens, cauliflower, plant-based protein, and topped with granola and peanut butter. I have no appetite after a long run, and I have found this is the easiest thing for me to eat.

After an hour or so of laying on the couch, willing my legs to move, the next stop is Drogheria Fine for their fabulous $5 gnocchi (plenty of carbs to replenish those glycogen stores). Insert a latte or two, a scone or muffin, a hearty dinner and some dessert, and you’ve got yourself a solid Sunday.

Fun fact: trying to lose weight while training for a race is actually not the best idea. Since weight loss happens when you’re at a calorie deficit, you are sacrificing precious muscle recovery in order to lose a few pounds. You’ll perform better in your training if you’re refueling appropriately!


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